School Registration starts for Online Virtual Classes from 3rd April 2020. Students of any school Registration for Online Virtual Classes session 2020-21 starts after The School Registration proccess would be completed, if indivisual Mentors/Parents/students desirous of getting the benifits of Online Virtual Classes admitted should fill the registration form indivisualy.

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    One Campus Days
    (Totally Digital Manifest)

    One Campus Days
    (Totally Digital Manifest)


Education as Sun_Ed

Hospitality as Sun_Life

Marketting as Sun_Mrkt

Web  as  Sun_Web


10000 SMS FREE

Purchase Of Min 1Lac SMS


10% Discount

on 1st Purchase






Happy Clients



Campus Aegis

           Ocads is a leading company, Providing a advance Campus_Aesis Technology Impact in the field of Education as Sun_Ed, Hospitality as Sun_Life, Marketting as Sun_Mrkt and Web  as  Sun_Web in the country wide since 2013. Today's in the world wide, Customers have become need, aware and demanding regarding the Level of Services Provided them. ERP is the better solution.

               Campus_Aesis has envolved after consistent effort from all departments of integrated way over the years. this evolution on technology /  functionality / process will continue in the future and ensure better and more effective products from Sunsoft Automation System. All though today's requirements is the key to a beautiful product like Campus_Aesis.

About Us,

              With regard's, we are pleased very much for Campus_Aegis ERP system. This is integrated software covering about Twenty Five plus modules. Campus_Aegis provides you with a single entry multiple views of data and also integrates various hardware devices e.g. Face Detector,Fingerprint, RFID, GPRS, Control Panel, Notice Board, Barcode etc.

              OcAds is dedicated to provide software / automation products to its customers. The company is lead by a team of management / technology professionals with over the  years  experience in India. The development team comprises Engineers and MCA who have been trained on standard development process. The testing team uses effective tools to test the products. The quality assurance team ensures the excellent functioning quality before delivery to its customers. A fully dedicated helpdesk / online support team is complemented by an effective field support team to ensure prompt and effective service as and when required. Sunsoft Automation System has a team of R&D personnel that work on new methods and technology. The R&D team ensures that our customers get the best products and maximize their technology related benefits.

The App

 This App enables users to send SMS, see delivery reports of the sent SMS, manage phonebook​, and ​see statistics of all your campaigns using the mobile apps.

Download Application


  • School/College/Market Management System
  • Attendnce with Payroll Management System
  • ID Card With Smart Interface
  • Face Dedector with ERP System
  • Other Customize Software


  • Responsive Website
  • Tamplate Website
  • e-Commorce Website
  • e-SMS Portal
  • Online Classes/
    Examination System

SMS Portal

  • Scalability SMS
  • 24X7 Hrs. Services
  • Unlimited Validity
  • Instant Activation
  • Quick Delivery
Login User

For More Details Contact to Your Nearest Person/Office.
                 We look forward to work with you in the future as technology partners.

              You will be pleased to know that our products have been running at various medium / large / small Organizations for more than Seven years. Campus_Aegis is very user friendly, reliable and highly secure. The system is scalable and new modules can be added at any point without affecting the existing system Proper database design and optimization ensure fast operation on network. The system is thoroughly tested and implemented at several large institutions for the past several years. Probability of any functional error is very low.


Contact : +91-79798-60437

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